The vegetation cover of the region of Mokra Gora is characteristic for the major presence of forests, mainly of black pine and oak.
In the serene lower parts of the valley with high level of ground waters, on sandy, silty, and clayey soils, the forests of alder and white willow from the alliance Salicion albae occur in fragments. The alliances of grey willow (Salicetum eleagni) are present in the serpentine gorges, along creeks and rivers. Their character is of a pioneer type, as they occur on pebble habitats that frequently dry out during the summer.
Oak forests, depending on the type of soil, built several different communities. The forests of Turkey oak (Quercetum cerris) are developed on thermophile slopes with somewhat deeper soil layer. They are positioned on gentle slopes in the hilly and the lower mountain region, most often on the limestone substratum. Mesophile forests of sessile oak and hornbeam (Querco-Carpinetum moesicaе) occur in some places, in wet ravines and on slopes that rise above the creeks, and forests of sessile oak (Quercetum montanum serpentinicum) occur on serpentine slopes that surround the valleys. Steep limestone slopes of Ograđenica and Tusto Brdo are overgrown with communities of the Manna ash and hop hornbeam (Orno-Ostryetum) with smoketree and downy oak.
Communities of beech forests (Fagetum moesiaca montanum and Fagetum moesiaca submontanum) are developed in several localities, but the largest areas they occupy are on limestone of Tusto Brdo, at altitudes of 600 to 1,100 m.
Forests of black pine grow both on serpentinite and on limestone. Light pine forests with hop hornbeam (Erico-Pinetum nigrae and Ostryo-Pinetum nigrae) are mostly found on serpentinite. Limestone slopes of the entry point of the Beli Rzav gorge, Tusto Brdo, and the hill Vao are overgrown with the community of the black pine and hop hornbeam (Ostryo-Pineum nigrae). Solitary trees of the black pine, representing remnants of this community, of impressive size and of particular landscape value, grow on vertical and very steep slopes.
Along with the forest vegetation, this area is covered with opulent herbaceous vegetation of various meadows and pastures, rocks, rock crevices, high greenery, and rock creeps.